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Phoenix Wisdom Healing
59 West 19th St, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10011 Map
(917) 763-1312
Self-awareness and healing are intimately related. Tarot is an image based self-awareness tool that uses 78 cards to help stimulate our inner knowing. It can be used to bring more insight and awareness to any area of our lives that are important to us: work/career, relationships, money, creativity, love, spirituality, home, healing, etc. The Tarot can best give insight into questions that begin with the words “what,” “how,” and “why?” The Tarot cannot answer yes or no questions. This tool is about empowering you to make decisions based on your own inner wisdom and guidance. The Tarot helps to bring us into alignment with our Inner Being/Soul/Higher Self.
Nicholas Sweeney, MFA, Reiki Master & Master Teacher of Magnified Healing
Please visit my website to learn how to schedule a Tarot consultation: http://www.phoneixwisdomhealing.com