Living Foods
Directory Listing
Organic Avenue
101 Stanton Street, New York, NY 10002 Map
(212) 334-4593
Organic Avenue offers a one-stop shop for the Organic, RAW and Living Foods Lifestyle community. With an offering in our retail shop including the latest HEMP, Organic Cotton, Bamboo and Ahimsa Peace Silk clothing and accessories, RAW snacks, Vitamins, Supplements, and Superfoods. Organic Avenue also offers a cafe providing the freshest juices, smoothies, RAW desserts and prepared foods at our 101 Stanton Street address on Manhattan's Lower East Side.
Organic Avenue also offers a Wellness Loft, offering colon therapy, along with RAW food lectures, events and is expanding daily. Also, we conduct monthly events that are a 5 Day Juice fast on the third week of every month.
For more information, please visit our website at: Organic Avenue