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Karlene M. ChinQuee, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.
880 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10021 Map
(212) 861-3130
Ideal Balance…An Integrative Traditional and Holistic approach to Health and Wellness. Dr. Karlene ChinQuee is a Board Certified Obstetrician /GYN Surgeon who provides an integrated traditional and holistic approach to Women’s health and wellness. Dr. ChinQuee strongly believes that , while traditional medicine is the only approach for some diseases, lasting health and wellness is only achieved by women becoming active participants in the care and support of their spirit, mind and body through natural methods in a balanced way.
Dr. ChinQuee blends clinically proven therapies from conventional medicine with natural therapies to promote optimum health and wellness. She spends a great deal of time with the patient in order to understand the patient’s needs from the patient’s point of view, and to educate the patient concerning all aspects of the patient’s care. She encourages patients to create health and balance in their lives and engages patients as partners in their health care, thus empowering them and supporting them to help care for themselves in the best possible way.
For more information about Dr. ChinQuee, please visit her website at: Ideal Balance